5.8. Windows Build

Each release of King Phisher includes an MSI build of the client for easy use on Windows systems. Creating this build is one of the last steps prior to creating a new version release. The build is created using the Python cx_Freeze package.

Before the build can be created the PyGObject for Windows package must be installed. While installing this package, it prompts for which GNOME libraries are to be included. When the prompt appears the following packages should be selected.

  • Base packages
  • ATK
  • GConf
  • GDK-Pixbuf
  • GTK+
  • GTKSourceView
  • GXML
  • Pango
  • Soup
  • WebkitGTK

Once all packages have been installed and the King Phisher client is running with Python, the “tools/development/build_msi.bat” script can be executed to create the build. The build process will take a few minutes, but once completed an MSI installer file will be created in a new “dist” directory in the projects root folder.

5.8.1. Version Information

After building the MSI file, the custom properties will need to be added. These are added by right clicking on the MSI file, selecting properties, and then the custom tab where custom fields can be created. These need to include the Python version, and PyGI-AIO version utilized in making the build as text entries. Below is the name fields and example values.

Name Example Value
Python Version 3.4.4rc1
PyGI-AIO Version 3.24.1 rev1
gi.repository GLib 2.52.1
gi.repository GObject 3.24.1
gi.repository GTK 3.18.9

5.8.2. Python 3.4 Build

As of King Phisher v1.8.0, the Windows client is built with Python 3.4. To install basemaps for Python 3.4 geos will need to be compiled for Windows. In addition to the packages in the “requirements.txt” file, pypiwin32api, and numpy will need to be installed manually.

For information on how to build geos on Windows with CMake visit: https://trac.osgeo.org/geos/wiki/BuildingOnWindowsWithCMake.

It is important that the same version of geos be built that is used with basemaps.

Once geos is complied the two generated DLLs geos.dll and geos_c.dll need to be copied to “[python34]libssite-packages”.


C++ 2010 Express and older will need to have the floor and ceil functions defined. These two functions are required by the geos library but are unavailable in older versions of the standard library.

5.8.3. CX Freeze version 5.0.1

After building and installing the MSI file, if the short cut link fails because it cannot from . import xxx, it is because the working directory for the shortcut is not set. To change this so builds have the working directory set automatically, the last line of “[python34]Libsite-packagescx_Freezewindist.py” needs to be updated from None to "TARGETDIR".

The output example of lines 52-62 of cx_freeze’s “windist.py” file, with change applied.

for index, executable in enumerate(self.distribution.executables):
    if executable.shortcutName is not None \
            and executable.shortcutDir is not None:
        baseName = os.path.basename(executable.targetName)
        msilib.add_data(self.db, "Shortcut",
                [("S_APP_%s" % index, executable.shortcutDir,
                        executable.shortcutName, "TARGETDIR",
                        "[TARGETDIR]%s" % baseName, None, None, None,
                        None, None, None, "TARGETDIR")])