5.2. Modules

The project’s code base is split among multiple Python modules under the primary king_phisher package. Code which is not specific to either the client or server code bases is directly in the root of the king_phisher package with code that is specific to either the client or server being under either the king_phisher.client sub-package or king_phisher.server sub-package respectively.

5.2.1. Special Modules

Some modules have special designations to identify them as having particular qualities. Clean Room Modules

Modules that qualify for the “Clean Room” classification are suitable for use during the early phases of the application’s initialization. They may also be used for general purposes.

  • Modules must not import any code which is not either included in the Python standard library or packaged with King Phisher. For example, os, sys, and king_phisher.startup may be imported while advancedhttpserver, jinja2, and smoke_zephyr may not.
  • Modules may only import other King Phisher modules which also have the “Clean Room” classification.

Modules with this designation have the following comment banner included in their source file just below the standard splat.

# This module is classified as a "Clean Room" module and is subject to
# restrictions on what it may import.
# See: https://king-phisher.readthedocs.io/en/latest/development/modules.html#clean-room-modules