4.1. Plugin Compatibility

Due to the way in which plugins are defined as classes with meta-data provided in their attributes, they need to be able to be imported regardless of compatibility restraints. The base PluginBase class offers a number of attributes which can be defined to indicate it’s compatibility requirements.

4.1.1. Minimum Python Version

A minimum required version of Python can be specified in the req_min_py_version attribute. This allows the plugin to specify that it needs libraries that, for example require version 3.5 at least. The version is defined as a point separated string such as "3.5.1".

The default class value is None which causes the plugin to be compatible with all versions of Python supported by King Phisher.

4.1.2. Minimum King Phisher Version

A minimum required version of King Phisher can be specified in the req_min_version attribute. This should be used to indicate the version in which API changes were made that the plugin relies upon. The value of this attribute must be a string which can be parsed with Python’s distutils.version.StrictVersion class for comparison.

The default class value is the first version of King Phisher which introduced the plugin API.

4.1.3. Required Python Packages

Sometimes modules may need additional Python packages and modules to be available in order to function properly. This can be problematic as the modules often need to be imported at the top level which normally would prevent the plugin from loading. In order to avoid this, plugin authors must wrap the import statement using Python’s exception handling and define a variable to indicate whether or not the module is available.

This variable then needs to be added to the req_packages attribute. This attribute is a dictionary whose keys are the names of packages which are required with values of their availability. Using this method a plugin which requires the externally provided package “foo” can be loaded into King Phisher allowing it to correctly alert the user in the event that the “foo” package can not be loaded. It’s highly recommended that the required packages be described in the plugins description.

The default class value is an empty dictionary meaning that now additional packages or modules are required. This is only suitable for use with plugins that do not need any additional packages or modules beyond what Python, King Phisher itself and King Phisher’s direct dependencies provide.

4.1.4. Supported Platforms

Plugins that only work on specific platforms such as Windows or Linux can specify which platforms they support using the req_platforms attribute. This is a string of tuples that correspond to Python’s platform.system() function. When defined, the plugin will only be compatible if the current platform is contained within the whitelist.

The default class value is compatible with all platforms.

4.1.5. Example

The following is a commented example of a basic client plugin with compatibility requirements.

import king_phisher.client.plugins as plugins
import king_phisher.client.gui_utilities as gui_utilities

    import foobar
except ImportError:
    has_foobar = False  # catch the standard ImportError and set has_foobar to False
    has_foobar = True   # no errors occurred so foobar was able to be imported

class Plugin(plugins.ClientPlugin):
    authors = ['Spencer McIntyre']
    title = 'Compatibility Demo'
    description = """
    A basic plugin which has compatibility requirements. It needs the 'foobar'
    Python package to be installed.
    req_min_py_version = '4.0'  # this is the required minimum version of Python
    req_min_version = '1337.0'  # this is the required minimum version of King Phisher
    req_packages {
        'foobar': has_foobar    # whether or not foobar was able to be imported
    req_platforms = ('Linux',)  # this module is only compatible with Linux
    # plugin method definitions continue