1.6. constants

This module keeps collections of related constants organized for use in other modules.

1.6.1. Data


The default log level to use for filtering messages by importance. Sentinel Values

Sentinel values are used as place holders where None may be valid and have a different meaning.


A sentinel value to indicate that a feature or value is determined automatically.


A sentinel value to indicate that a feature or value is disabled.

1.6.2. Classes

class ConstantGroup[source]

A class for grouping related constants together.

classmethod items()[source]

Iterate over the names and values in a group of constants.

classmethod names()[source]

Iterate over the names in a group of constants.

classmethod values()[source]

Iterate over the values in a group of constants.

class ConnectionErrorReason[source]

Constants which describe possible errors for an arbitrary connection process.

ConnectionErrorReason.ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED = 'authentication failed'[source]
ConnectionErrorReason.ERROR_CONNECTION = 'connection error'[source]
ConnectionErrorReason.ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSIONS = 'incompatible versions'[source]
ConnectionErrorReason.ERROR_INVALID_CREDENTIALS = 'invalid credentials'[source]
ConnectionErrorReason.ERROR_INVALID_OTP = 'invalid otp'[source]
ConnectionErrorReason.ERROR_PORT_FORWARD = 'port forward error'[source]
ConnectionErrorReason.ERROR_UNKNOWN = 'unknown error'[source]
ConnectionErrorReason.SUCCESS = 'success'[source]
class OSArch[source]

Constants for different operating system architectures.

OSArch.PPC = 'PPC'[source]
OSArch.X86 = 'x86'[source]
OSArch.X86_64 = 'x86-64'[source]
class OSFamily[source]

Constants for families of different operating systems.

OSFamily.ANDROID = 'Android'[source]
OSFamily.BLACKBERRY = 'BlackBerry'[source]
OSFamily.IOS = 'iOS'[source]
OSFamily.LINUX = 'Linux'[source]
OSFamily.OSX = 'OS X'[source]
OSFamily.WINDOWS = 'Windows NT'[source]