2.1. Additional Configuration

The following configuration settings will be honored but can not be set from within the client’s user interface. The client configuration file is usually located in the following locations depending on the host operating system:



The King Phisher client will overwrite its configuration file when it exits to store the latest values. This means that the client should not be running when the configuration file is being manually edited so the changes are not overwritten.

Setting Name Default Value
gui.refresh_frequency 5m (5 minutes)
gui.show_deaddrop false
mailer.max_messages_per_connection 5
plugins.path [] (No additional plugin paths)
rpc.serializer null (Automatically determined)
ssh_preferred_key null (Automatically determined)
text_font "monospace 10"
text_source.hardtabs false
text_source.highlight_line true
text_source.tab_width 2
text_source.theme "cobalt" (One of the GtkSourceView StyleSchemes)
text_source.wrap_mode "NONE" (One of "CHAR", "NONE", "WORD", "WORD_CHAR") 1

1 See GtkWrapMode for more details.